How to participate in NFT Release — Desktop edition

What is BakerySwap Gallery?

4 min readJun 15, 2021

Bakery Gallery is a curated NFT platform that highlights the best emerging artists with the purpose of helping, empowering, and adding value to those creative minds that constantly challenge themselves in the creative field.

Bakery Gallery is the section for verified artists, offering users and fans access to artwork created by artists and celebrities featured on BakerySwap.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to buy an NFT on the BakerySwap Gallery connected from a PC and using Metamask.

1. Connect the wallet to

  • We select Next, then connect and that’s it (for this example, we selected Metamask with BSC Network configuration).

2. Locating the NFT of your choice on the NFT gallery

  • After connecting the wallet, you can start exploring the bakery gallery. On the main page, you can find verified artists or artwork, especially featured content. Also you will have the direct links for exclusive Drops, where you can find all the events.
  • Select “Explore” to choose the artwork of your choice through the search box. You can also search for the name of your favorite artist or the name of a particular NFT.
  • You can optimize your searches by filtering the content by file type (image, audio, video) and by classification

3. How to buy or bid

  • After browsing, select the work, proceed to buy directly, or submit your offer.
  • We must select “Approve NFT Marketplace”, then confirm the transaction.

The buy option is already enabled.

  • Now we can buy the NFT or make a bid, since the option, buy, is available.
  • We must select “Buy”, a price confirmation window will open.
  • Now we have to confirm, and in the same way, a pop-up window will be displayed in which we must approve the transaction.
  • In addition to the BAKE for the payment (or the token in which the NFT, RACA, DOGGY … appears), we must have BNB available for the fees generated, for the transaction.
  • Congratulations, you have purchased your first NFT! You can find it in the profile section, in the upper right, clicking there you will find the collected works.

You can also do custom bidding, the procedure is as follows (that is, you can offer an amount to the seller for his NFT).

  • Select “Bidding”
  • This procedure is similar to the previous one, you only have to select bidding, that is, create a purchase offer for the amount proposed by the buyer
  • By selecting “Bidding”, you must enter the amount you are proposing for this auction and select “Bidding”, then approve the transaction.
  • Now you must wait for the seller to accept your offer (In this case, it may take longer to process your purchase as the seller decides whether or not to accept your offer).

Annexes: Considerations

  • You must have BNB available in the wallet to process transaction
  • You must have Bake available in the wallet to pay the cost of the NFT. (This is for featured artists using BakeryGallery and other projects, so before paying you should verify that you have the token for that specific NFT.)
  • For some projects, it is possible to use other tokens to buy the NFTs, so you need to validate that token. (This depends on the associated artists and projects)
  • When offering an auction offer, you should expect the seller to accept it.
  • 5% of the cost of the NFT is automatically deducted as a fee when using BakerySwap for development.
  • Also, note that the creator can decide whether to place a percentage of their NFT sales going to the creator. (This information can be found on the main site of the NFT that you selected)
  • To pay, you must always verify the token for which it is listed, although, you will generally find BAKE, others such as Raca can be found.
  • After approving the purchase or sale of an NFT, it cannot be reversed.
  • You must approve the contract in the market or token that you want to buy, to have the option to buy.

Take into account if you have not used BSC or BNB.



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