Meet Bakery Featured Artists: Today (09) 3Dots, the reference of architectural imagery

5 min readJun 20, 2021


A seasoned 3D artist, an architect, and the founder of 3Dots in an interview with BakerySwap, the first DeFi exchange platform that provides both AMM and NFT Marketplace on Binance Smart Chain talks about the future of NFTs and his journey into the NFT world.

As NFTs continue to take the entire Cryptocurrency and blockchain ecosystem by storm, the unsettled question has been whether digital artworks are just like every other bubble which will certainly burst in the nearest future. Some groups of people believe that it is one of the best aspects of this ecosystem with a bright future.

In this week’s edition of the Bakeryswap interview session, Christos Penagos talked about his view on the future of NFTs and how he became an artist.

Christos Penagos is an experienced 3D artist, an architect, and the founder of 3Dots, a visualization studio that focuses on architectural imagery with over 10 years of service.

It’s a pleasure having you with us today. Please can you tell us about yourself?

My name is Christos Penagos, a 3D artist and founder of 3 Dots(visualization studio), a studio that focuses on architectural imagery. We collaborate with various architectural practitioners around the world and have offered our services for over 10 years. I am also an architect, that is why we are orienting towards that field, and since the beginning, while studying architecture, I started exploring and rendering 3D modeling. With this tool, digital visualization, I can visualize how a building will look like, an aspect of architecture that is difficult to understand while watching 2D drawings such as plans and elevation (Architecture maquette).

How did your journey into the NFT world start?

Artists, especially digital artists, and the artistic expression through the art isn’t pretty much valuable/ recognizable nowadays. I see NFT as an instrument that will add more value to our work. Before NFT’s it was pretty much impossible to sell one’s pictures. People would say in the past, you aren’t an artist, but today, it is possible to sell a picture as a piece of art. I can say that NFTs are changing a lot of things and giving value to artists and their arts.

What do you think is the future of NFTs?

Somehow, it is difficult to see. I remember a friend of mine told me about bitcoin around 2013 and I couldn’t value it at the time. Although I was pretty young then, he told me it’s a digital currency. I was skeptical and doubted why we would need a thing like a cryptocurrency when we can use normal money. that wasn’t smart enough on my part because today I can see the bigger picture. Now things are getting more clearer, we are in the middle of a digital revolution, and everything is starting to flip in that part, and pretty much everything is turning from the physical world into the digital one. Name it, money, power, songs, movies, art in general. To me, I can say that NFT is obviously a collectible, unique, non-fungible token/ asset that represents the value of any digital form of art. The owner/ collector owns the rights to digital art. An NFT serves as proof of ownership. So, right now, they are collectibles, but I can see them used on a daily basis, in our regular life, used by singers. For instance, if a singer wants to sell his or her albums to the fans, every song is an NFT. If there are 1000 copies of that song, it means 1000 NFTs and 1000 original copies of the song delivered to the fans.

How did you know about BakerySwap and what is your experience with the platform?

Well, I am a crypto enthusiast and I invest in cryptocurrencies too. I follow the world of crypto a lot and as soon as I heard about NFTs, studied the concept behind them and their associated tokens, I was interested and as a fan of Binance, I know all of their projects, and really like the work and the effort that they have put all over these years. I see them progress in the last 4 years, and I think they have a brighter future. Through Binance, I found bake, love it as a project. And I thought, it’s brand new, I saw a lot of potentials in the bakery token, in the project, in the team and I thought I should give it a try. I started creating and minting NFTs on the Bakeryswap platform and fortunately for me, I was featured on the BakerySwap gallery, and since then I try to create NFTs on a regular basis and to improve my work and art, every time I mint a new one.

What is the next project you are working on?

I am just getting interested in animations lately, so pretty much everything is going to be like scenes of a movie. Maybe there will also be some more little ones, concepts, or little objects. For example, now, I have one scene that is called the abduction, followed by another scene that is called, the collector. There is a relationship and a story between those two scenes. Another one is a bakery yoyo, really interesting because we are fans of Bakery gallery and we do everything we can do to show our love to the bakery gallery team.

What’s your advice to upcoming artists?

It is important to do what you like as a job and earn money from it. If you work hard enough you can improve every day and become better. Well, that’s good for every job. Being an artist means to express one’s feelings through art, in this case, digital art. Art may not be valuable or recognizable after many years of effort. I will recommend just to combine work with hobbies, so that you can make what you love, your work and also make money from it.

